"You can't be angry at Joakim."

I was suppose to sit up all night and to my homework since it must be in before my teacher reads it in the morning, however due to some unfortunate circumstances I'm jumping over sending it in. Can't finish it at the moment and if it is sent in too late there is no need to send it in.

Heh, school is going well for me this semester, so far have finished only 5 of the 25 points I was suppose to have done so far.

Had a fun soccer-training today. The first one in, oh, too many years. We had some training just to play together the team a bit for the Soccer-tournament that is mostly for the Economic Students.

Heh, and we are the Left Students. It will be fun, is this what they call hategames?

Was out afterwards to NH, and yes I was home to take a shower.

Neither me nor Jonny was in a mood, both of us too tired from the training to go out.Both of us went out anyway because the other wanted to, is this what they call miscommunication?

There I met a few old friends I hadn't seen in waaay to many months, Anna and Sofia, old members of the ÖNN board.

The rest of the evening I danced. It was suppose to close at 1 AM but there was so much people and they bought so much, since it is Ascension day tomorrow (a red day in the worlds' most secularist country. Oh, the irony!) that they decided to close at 2 instead.

Anyways, I learned something new about how people around me see me. Tonight it was Anna from GHD that commented with a cute-cuddly voice:

"You can't be angry at Joakim."
And then she hugged me.

I was like waaah?

Does everybody think I am that friendly and nice?

I've been saying this for years, I need to get a little less nicer, but if these keeps up I won't have the heart for it. Although I think it will never really happen, everybody seem to like me as I am.

Unfortunately, sometimes not quite exactly what I want.

And I am still a bit upset they changed the song just before the refrain when they were playing Mikael Rickfors - Köpa Vingar För Pengarna (eng: Buy Wings For The Money).
My favourite song all categories when I was but a little boy.

Well, at least they played Johnny B. Goode in a very strange version.
That is the best song ever made, and I think it will be that for the rest of my life. One can always hope.
Everytime I hear it I just have to dance, it is impossible to sit still when Chuck Berry gets in the mood.

Postat av: Bree

Completely agree on the 'Johnny B. Goode' statement. And the 'no being angry at Joakim' one, too ;)

2007-05-21 @ 21:38:22
Postat av: Jocke

Haha, if this doesn't stop I am gonna blush... :P

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