"Before I Sleep"

Visste inte att Stargate Atlantis kan få mig att gråta, sett samma scen hur många gånger som helst, lika tårögd varje gång. Från avsnittet "Before I Sleep" i första säsongen.


Melia: "We welcome you to the city of Atlantis. [...] Unfortunately your arrival has come at a time of great conflict. We've been under siege for many years and have submerged our city as a measure of protection."


Dr. Elisabeth Weir: "I don't think you understand how far we've come or how much my people have sacrificed in the hopes of meeting you. We call you the Ancients, the Gate Builders. We've crossed galaxies in the hopes of finding a great people. [...] We are explorers, just like you."

Janus: "Which should come as no surprise since they are the second evolution of our kind. Don't you understand? The city will survive 10.000 years."


Se från 08.45 och lite mer än en minut framåt.



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