Since I have been a bit lazy, or rather very tired, very early, the last few days it is time for a daily through the last few days once again.
I guess you guys are getting used to it by now.
We begin with the best day in a very, very, very long time:
A wonderful, wonderful day. This was the day the Election for the Student Union ended. I was not quite healthy yet, but I had no choice but to attend, wouldn't want to miss the excitement for all the world.
This was the final results from the election:
Number of people entitled to vote: 10875
Voters: 1354 (12,45%)
Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (The Socialist Justice Party) 10,3% 3 mandat (+-0)
Vänsterns Studentförbund (The Left Studentparty) 28,4% 9 mandat (+1)
Moderata studenter (Moderate Students) 16,3% 5 mandat (-2)
Samhällsvetarna (The Social Science Party) 24,3% 8 mandat (+-0)
Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats) 12,9% 4 mandat (-1)
Övikslistan (The Örnsköldsvik List) 7,8% 2 mandat (+2)
Since I am a member of The Left Studentparty you can understand why it was such a wonderful day.
We won the Student Union Election!
Unfortunately we forgot to sing The Internationale and sang some other obskyre leftist song about the coming revolution or something.
Always take our singing with a big scope of salt, we do have a tendency to be a bit self-ironic when it comes to our humour.
Since everybody calls us communists anyway, why not humour them and make fun of them at the same time.
Two years since last time, it will be another exciting year, and interesting to see who will be the one's sitting in the Majority and who will sit in the Opposition this coming year.
We were the majority this year, for the first time ever. Hold your thumbs we will do it again this year.
The Song of Thursday: Queen - We Are The Champions.
Had the first of the Final Seminars in Creative Writing.
I did feel a bit of melancholy coming over me, after all it would be the last time I would see several of my classmates, some whom I've read their work for two years now.
It is always said to end a part of your life.
But at least some of us are starting up a Writing Group where we can continue to work together and read each others work.
Some in that class has after all already been published, and at least one of them are become something of an item in the literary world. Most definitely so when publishers call him up and tell him that they want to publish his poetry.
Now that is a thing that does not happen very often, mostly because nobody really earns any money on their poetry.
He was in the Debut 2006 anthology after all, and was one of two people who got special attention in the reviews in for instance Expressen and, I think, Dagens Nyheter.
Anyways, after that I went by NH to say hi to my bargroup and give Helen a hug. It is fun hugging with Helen.
She is such a funny girl, and a hell of lot weirder then me, at least when it comes to blondness and the tendency to say odd stuff.
Too damn many good people in my life at the moment, or as I just said to Jonny on MSN:
"Heh, that was weird. I just realised how fucky happy I really am, or should be. That was weird."
I known so damn many wonderful people in my life, I don't know if I ever would want it to end. I love my life at the moment, I almost want to cry.
Heh, whaddaya know.
Although me knowing how the Universe works, it is indeed a stupid thing to say. The truth is that the Universe has a love for practical jokes, and it's greatest love is that which is the great irony of life.
Knock on wood!
Anyway back to the subject at hand.
Finished the evening by spending some time over at one of my classmates house talking for several hours about this and that and then going to a party where Libby wanted me to show up at the corridor-building next to ours.
I was totally sober and had the time of my life, especially Libbys little story she had to tell about love triangles and other springy feelings people were apparently having in the room.
She is funny that girl, and a nice person to know as well.
See? I know so damn many good people, I am starting to get worried all hell will break loose soon.
Knock on wood!
The last day of the Final Seminars for Creative Writing, Advanced Level.
A day which was even more melancholic.
But as I said in my last depressing blog, this day ended up being a wonderful, wonderful day until I walked home.
BBQ + Eurovision Song Contest + Dancing all night at NH = Contentment with life.
Not too much I hope?
Nevermind, just thinking high to myself as usual.
Maybe that was why I got depressed?
Slow, as Sundays usually go. No hangover though since I am still too damn broke to even drink alcohol. At least Kristina bought me a Big Strong One when we were at NH during Saturday, maybe she felt sorry for me or maybe just to shut me up? Heh.
I ended up going to UDI for the Social Dance for the first time in, I think it is, a month.
It was fun, and apparently I am now going to be in the Club Championship with a women I've danced with a few times before. She is always smiling, I don't know if it is to me or if it is just part of her natural charm or something.
Aaanyways, apparently her name was Maria, and since she asked if I were going to be in the Championship and I said:
"No, I don't have a partner."
A few minutes later after another dance with her.
"Are you going to be in the championship?"
"No. I don't have anyone to dance with."
A few moments later I asked her.
"Well, why don't we dance together?"
"Yeah, sure."
After writing ourselves up on the list.
"By the way. Hi, my name is Joakim."
"And mine is Maria."
And then she suddenly was even more fun to dance with then before, she was even better. Whatever second thoughts I might ever have had disappeared in those last few dances.
She is very easy to dance with, and she says she is still going the second course to learn how to dance. I still think she dances likes she been dancing for years. Well, at least she took it as a compliment.
I was suppose to start dance with Carina in the technic courses, but since they did not happen this semester there has been no other training then the Social Dance. Haven't seen or heard form Carina since.
I mostly see and talk to Marie these days instead, when she is going to the dance I take a lift with her, it is both easier, cheaper and better.
I feel a bit ashamed though, I've been saying since before christmas that I am going to go out to Ersboda every friday there is dancing there, but it hasn't happened yet.
Always something that comes in the way, too much of a life perhaps?
Too many people to hang around with as well.
And it won't happen this weekend either.
It is the last time before the Barn-Dancing season starts up, and doesn't start up again until the same one ends in the autumn.
No, this friday we have a BBQ party at our corridor, and anyone I know who wants to come are more then welcome.
More or less a farewell party for the summer, I will see everyone again I hope, but still. It is melancholic to not see friends for several months, isn't that a bit odd though?
The shortest NF Board-meeting and the shortest NF Presidium-meeting I've ever been too.
I also managed to miss the Member meeting for the The Left Studentparty, I really don't know why. Probably my goldfish memory partying to much in my mind.
Here we are now of today.
Had the Big Meeting for my Nation and directly after that a board meeting with the newly elected board, which was more or less the same then before. Just a few people who left, no newcomers, and some of us changing places and titles.
I am still the Club Master, the one who are suppose to fix all the parties. Well that last part can be discussed though, how good I've been at that in my particular Nation.
Well, if anyone who already doesn't know are interesting I can tell you my titles, not that it is of much interest to anyone but still:
Qurator Social Emeritus
Qurator Notarie
Club Master (2 years or so)
Student Union:
Delegate to the SFS-congress (The United Swedish Student Unions, the lobby-organisation if you are so inclined for most of the Student Unions in Sweden.) (2 years in a row).
Suppleant for the Student Union Board. (1 year).
Member of the Student Council (2 years, beginning my third term this year)
Studentrepresentative for the Philosophy and Lingvistic Institution Board. (1/2 year)
Heh, this is starting to look like a CV, so if anyone looking for a new employee sees this. Hi!
You others, nevermind me, I just indulge myself for once.
Song of Today: Dune - Spring is my love
Quote of Today:
"We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting."
-Khalil Gibran
O.M.G. I think this is my longest one yet. Good work Joakim!
I guess you guys are getting used to it by now.
We begin with the best day in a very, very, very long time:
A wonderful, wonderful day. This was the day the Election for the Student Union ended. I was not quite healthy yet, but I had no choice but to attend, wouldn't want to miss the excitement for all the world.
This was the final results from the election:
Number of people entitled to vote: 10875
Voters: 1354 (12,45%)
Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (The Socialist Justice Party) 10,3% 3 mandat (+-0)
Vänsterns Studentförbund (The Left Studentparty) 28,4% 9 mandat (+1)
Moderata studenter (Moderate Students) 16,3% 5 mandat (-2)
Samhällsvetarna (The Social Science Party) 24,3% 8 mandat (+-0)
Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats) 12,9% 4 mandat (-1)
Övikslistan (The Örnsköldsvik List) 7,8% 2 mandat (+2)
Since I am a member of The Left Studentparty you can understand why it was such a wonderful day.
We won the Student Union Election!
Unfortunately we forgot to sing The Internationale and sang some other obskyre leftist song about the coming revolution or something.
Always take our singing with a big scope of salt, we do have a tendency to be a bit self-ironic when it comes to our humour.
Since everybody calls us communists anyway, why not humour them and make fun of them at the same time.
Two years since last time, it will be another exciting year, and interesting to see who will be the one's sitting in the Majority and who will sit in the Opposition this coming year.
We were the majority this year, for the first time ever. Hold your thumbs we will do it again this year.
The Song of Thursday: Queen - We Are The Champions.
Had the first of the Final Seminars in Creative Writing.
I did feel a bit of melancholy coming over me, after all it would be the last time I would see several of my classmates, some whom I've read their work for two years now.
It is always said to end a part of your life.
But at least some of us are starting up a Writing Group where we can continue to work together and read each others work.
Some in that class has after all already been published, and at least one of them are become something of an item in the literary world. Most definitely so when publishers call him up and tell him that they want to publish his poetry.
Now that is a thing that does not happen very often, mostly because nobody really earns any money on their poetry.
He was in the Debut 2006 anthology after all, and was one of two people who got special attention in the reviews in for instance Expressen and, I think, Dagens Nyheter.
Anyways, after that I went by NH to say hi to my bargroup and give Helen a hug. It is fun hugging with Helen.
She is such a funny girl, and a hell of lot weirder then me, at least when it comes to blondness and the tendency to say odd stuff.
Too damn many good people in my life at the moment, or as I just said to Jonny on MSN:
"Heh, that was weird. I just realised how fucky happy I really am, or should be. That was weird."
I known so damn many wonderful people in my life, I don't know if I ever would want it to end. I love my life at the moment, I almost want to cry.
Heh, whaddaya know.
Although me knowing how the Universe works, it is indeed a stupid thing to say. The truth is that the Universe has a love for practical jokes, and it's greatest love is that which is the great irony of life.
Knock on wood!
Anyway back to the subject at hand.
Finished the evening by spending some time over at one of my classmates house talking for several hours about this and that and then going to a party where Libby wanted me to show up at the corridor-building next to ours.
I was totally sober and had the time of my life, especially Libbys little story she had to tell about love triangles and other springy feelings people were apparently having in the room.
She is funny that girl, and a nice person to know as well.
See? I know so damn many good people, I am starting to get worried all hell will break loose soon.
Knock on wood!
The last day of the Final Seminars for Creative Writing, Advanced Level.
A day which was even more melancholic.
But as I said in my last depressing blog, this day ended up being a wonderful, wonderful day until I walked home.
BBQ + Eurovision Song Contest + Dancing all night at NH = Contentment with life.
Not too much I hope?
Nevermind, just thinking high to myself as usual.
Maybe that was why I got depressed?
Slow, as Sundays usually go. No hangover though since I am still too damn broke to even drink alcohol. At least Kristina bought me a Big Strong One when we were at NH during Saturday, maybe she felt sorry for me or maybe just to shut me up? Heh.
I ended up going to UDI for the Social Dance for the first time in, I think it is, a month.
It was fun, and apparently I am now going to be in the Club Championship with a women I've danced with a few times before. She is always smiling, I don't know if it is to me or if it is just part of her natural charm or something.
Aaanyways, apparently her name was Maria, and since she asked if I were going to be in the Championship and I said:
"No, I don't have a partner."
A few minutes later after another dance with her.
"Are you going to be in the championship?"
"No. I don't have anyone to dance with."
A few moments later I asked her.
"Well, why don't we dance together?"
"Yeah, sure."
After writing ourselves up on the list.
"By the way. Hi, my name is Joakim."
"And mine is Maria."
And then she suddenly was even more fun to dance with then before, she was even better. Whatever second thoughts I might ever have had disappeared in those last few dances.
She is very easy to dance with, and she says she is still going the second course to learn how to dance. I still think she dances likes she been dancing for years. Well, at least she took it as a compliment.
I was suppose to start dance with Carina in the technic courses, but since they did not happen this semester there has been no other training then the Social Dance. Haven't seen or heard form Carina since.
I mostly see and talk to Marie these days instead, when she is going to the dance I take a lift with her, it is both easier, cheaper and better.
I feel a bit ashamed though, I've been saying since before christmas that I am going to go out to Ersboda every friday there is dancing there, but it hasn't happened yet.
Always something that comes in the way, too much of a life perhaps?
Too many people to hang around with as well.
And it won't happen this weekend either.
It is the last time before the Barn-Dancing season starts up, and doesn't start up again until the same one ends in the autumn.
No, this friday we have a BBQ party at our corridor, and anyone I know who wants to come are more then welcome.
More or less a farewell party for the summer, I will see everyone again I hope, but still. It is melancholic to not see friends for several months, isn't that a bit odd though?
The shortest NF Board-meeting and the shortest NF Presidium-meeting I've ever been too.
I also managed to miss the Member meeting for the The Left Studentparty, I really don't know why. Probably my goldfish memory partying to much in my mind.
Here we are now of today.
Had the Big Meeting for my Nation and directly after that a board meeting with the newly elected board, which was more or less the same then before. Just a few people who left, no newcomers, and some of us changing places and titles.
I am still the Club Master, the one who are suppose to fix all the parties. Well that last part can be discussed though, how good I've been at that in my particular Nation.
Well, if anyone who already doesn't know are interesting I can tell you my titles, not that it is of much interest to anyone but still:
Qurator Social Emeritus
Qurator Notarie
Club Master (2 years or so)
Student Union:
Delegate to the SFS-congress (The United Swedish Student Unions, the lobby-organisation if you are so inclined for most of the Student Unions in Sweden.) (2 years in a row).
Suppleant for the Student Union Board. (1 year).
Member of the Student Council (2 years, beginning my third term this year)
Studentrepresentative for the Philosophy and Lingvistic Institution Board. (1/2 year)
Heh, this is starting to look like a CV, so if anyone looking for a new employee sees this. Hi!
You others, nevermind me, I just indulge myself for once.
Song of Today: Dune - Spring is my love
Quote of Today:
"We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting."
-Khalil Gibran
O.M.G. I think this is my longest one yet. Good work Joakim!
Postat av: Bree
Hehehe - like the little story about how you found your dance partner. It's good to just be the right place at the right time, sometimes :D
And congratz on your party winning the election :)
Postat av: Jocke
Haha, yeah... I know this one time I met this crazy girl... ;P And thanks! Although it is still not clear who will be in opposition and who will be in the majority. :/